Monday, June 16, 2008


Activia Yogurt(110) and an apple (65-85)

String cheese (60)

Banana( 105)

Nature Valley Oats 'n' Honey bar (180)

Peanuts, 1 Tbsp (108)

Mixed nuts, 10 nuts assorted (86)

Nectarine (65)

Sugar free jello (10)

1 peanut butter cracker (140) made with 1 Tbsp peanut butter (90) and 2 snack crackers (50)

1/2 cup milk with 3/4 cup cereal (130)

97% fat free popcorn (120) and diet coke

1 peanut butter cookie (50) and 1/2 cup milk (63)

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This blog is an attempt to make calorie counting easier for myself.
I've taken the meals I ate when I lost weight before and did calorie counts of the TOTALS so that I could save myself time and still have a pretty good idea of how many calories I am consuming. I began with the meals I concocted myself but plan to add more from other sources as I find time.

I've tried to label each entry so that breakfasts, lunches, snacks, dinners and so on could be easily located as needed.